Bluebird Network celebrates National Agriculture Day to appreciate all the people who work to feed the world, look after crops and livestock, and contribute to agricultural production. National Ag Day was founded by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) in 1973. The ACA has put efforts into creating awareness about the role of agriculture in the modern world.
As the world’s population continues to grow rapidly, so does the need for fresh produce. This means farmers are facing immense pressure to act fast and work as efficiently as possible. What’s known as precision agriculture is when farmers implement modern technology solutions that allow them to scale their production and daily operations. Commonly used technology includes AI, data analytics, machine learning, robotics, GPS, edge computing, fiber and more to further improve production. Below is a list of examples for each of these technologies:
Data Analytics – Through the incorporation of data analytics, farmers are well-positioned to answer sales-related questions through data from a single, streamlined platform, creating the opportunity to make timely, evidence-based decisions.
AI and Machine Learning – AI and machine learning-based surveillance has proven to be effective in securing remote farm locations, by reducing the potential of animals accidentally destroying crops or break-ins. In fact, the AI can even provide access to certain areas of the farm for authorized personnel only, increasing security measures across the farm.
Robotics – Agricultural Robots can be used for many meticulous, timely, and labor-intensive tasks. A main example is crop harvesting, it’s a more detailed process than some of us may think. Robots are able to scan the produce to determine quality – if it’s ripe and if produce may be bruised or torn, and they can do this repeatedly with programmed precision.
GPS – GPS allows farmers to gather real-time data with highly accurate information, allowing the farmers to analyze large amounts of data. GPS-based applications in precision farming are being used for farm planning, soil sampling, tractor guidance, crop scouting, and more. GPS also allows farmers to work during low visibility field conditions such as rain, dust, fog, and darkness.
Edge Computing – Edge computing enables farms to work without depending on the connection to the main server and make decisions based on data from local sensors. This can result in improved process reliability and reduced waste, making agriculture a more sustainable and profitable process.
Overall, these technologies allow farmers to focus more on the business aspect of agriculture, providing the ability to work more efficiently, become profitable, and provide food around the world as demand continuously increases.
Learn more about how precision agriculture depends on high-speed connectivity in order to enable this technology.
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