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Interview with C-Level Secrets

Interview with C-Level Secrets

FidelisOne has just launched C-Level Secrets an interview series in which corporate executives share insights into running great organizations. Check out this episode where our CEO Michael Morey and host Mark Brigman discuss the strategy behind leading Bluebird Fiber!

Safer Underground: Bluebird Expands Its Data Center in a Mine

In Springfield, Missouri, 85 feet deep into the Burlington Limestone lies an old mine. More than 5 million square feet of rock has been excavated over the years, leaving a 2-square mile block of limestone honeycombed with passages. Since you’re not reading a site about geology, or mining, you’ve probably guessed that there’s a data center in that mine. Bluebird Fiber recently expanded the capacity of its 80,000-square foot facility, carved into the solid lump of rock in a geologically stable part of the world.

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