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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Illinois Network Alliance Acquisition by Bluebird Fiber

What is being acquired?

Bluebird Fiber (“Bluebird”) has completed the acquisition of, and is now the sole owner of the Illinois Network Alliance (“INA”).

Who is Illinois Network Alliance?

Illinois Network Alliance is a collection of telecommunications companies located in Illinois. Through Bluebird’s management, Bluebird has been the catalyst that allows these companies to connect to each other, to the internet and to its customer base. With this acquisition, Bluebird will now be taking direct ownership of all customers and the network.

How will this acquisition affect Bluebird Fiber, Missouri Network Alliance, Illinois Network Alliance, PEG Bandwidth IL and the Bluebird Underground Data Center?

Bluebird Fiber, Missouri Network Alliance, PEG Bandwidth IL and the Bluebird Underground Data Center daily operations will remain unaffected by the acquisition.

What will be the Bluebird HQ location?

The Bluebird HQ will remain in Columbia, Missouri. All four current Bluebird offices will remain (Columbia, Lee’s Summit, St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri).

Will Bluebird Fiber be retaining its name, logo, etc.?

All entities including Bluebird Fiber, Missouri Network Alliance, PEG Bandwidth IL, Illinois Network Alliance and Bluebird Underground Data Center will continue to retain the Bluebird Fiber name, logo and brand identifiers.  All entities currently brand to Bluebird Fiber.

Will Bluebird keep its existing employees?

Bluebird will retain its current employees, including the executive team.  Bluebird has always provided the employee base for INA; there will be no changes based on this acquisition.

Will Bluebird gain any new employees?

As Bluebird has always managed INA, Bluebird will not be adding any new resources to support this acquisition, other than those resources which would be required due to normal growth of the combined networks.

Will Bluebird be providing the same services/same areas for fiber?

Bluebird Fiber and the Bluebird Underground Data Center will be offering the same quality service portfolio.

What number will I call for contacting Bluebird?

All Bluebird contact information will remain the same, including contact information for sales, trouble reporting (NOC), to request a quote, accounts payable and the Bluebird Fiber website

Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

External questions and media communication should be directed to Sue Schaefer at [email protected]

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